| | Jabatan Buruh, Kementerian Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri memaklumkan bahawa bermula 1hb., Februari 2024, semua permohonan untuk mendatangkan warganegara Bangladesh ke Negara Brunei Darussalam bagi tujuan pekerjaan hendaklah berurusan melalui agensi pekerjaan yang berlesen dengan Jabatan Buruh di Negara Brunei Darussalam.
| | The Department of Labour is opening for application of new Employment Agency License (Category C) during the Ministry of Home Affairs Open Day held at the Headquarters Building of Brunei Fire and Rescue Department on the 14th November 2023 until 16th November 2023. Any interested parties must personally send in their application form with the required documents to:
For further information can refer this link. | 
| | Annual Census of Employers / employees will be effective 31st October 2023. Census information can be submitted online at BUSINESS REPORTING SYSTEM [BRS] portal via the website link www.business.gov.bn/SitePages/OBR.aspx , using the employer's/owner's E-Darussalam username.
Closing date of Census Submission is 30th November 2023.
For further information can refer this link.
| | Pada menjunjung titah Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam, Jabatan Buruh, Kementerian Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri sukacita memaklumkan bahawa Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam telah memperkenankan bagi Perintah Pekerjaan (Upah Minimum), 2023 [Employment (Minimum Wage) Order 2023] di bawah Perintah Pekerjaan, 2009 (S 60/2010) [Employment Order, 2009 (S 37/2009)] untuk berkuatkuasa pada 12hb., Julai 2023;
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Dengan hormat dimaklumkan bahawa. Jabatan Buruh, Kementerian Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri ingin memperkenalkan National Labour Management System (NLMS) bagi menggantikan sistem berkaunter di Jabatan ini bagi memudahkan orang ramai dan agensi-agensi pekerjaan yang berdaftar dengan Jabatan Buruh menghadapkan permohonanbagi perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan yang diberikan oleh Jabatan Buruh seperti permohonan Lesen Pekerja Asing (LPA) dan Lesen Perkhidmatan Domestik (LDP) secara dalam talian (online).

| | Jabatan Buruh Kementerian Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri dengan ini memaklumkan bahawa semua kaunter-kaunter perkhidmatan di Ibu Pejabat dan cawangan Kuala Belait telah dibuka semula pada Hari Sabtu, Zulhijjah 1443 bersamaan 2 Julai 2022 dari jam 8.00 pagi hingga 11.30 pagi, dan 1.45 petang hingga 3.45 petang pada setiap Hari Isnin hingga Khamis dan Sabtu. Sehubungan itu, perkhidmatan Drop-box adalah dengan ini dihentikan bermula pada tarikh tersebut.
| | Jabatan Buruh sukacita ingin memaklumkan bahawa bermula pada hari Rabu, 15 Disember 2021 waktu perkhidmatan bagi perjumpaan secara temu janji dan penghantaran permohonan melalui Peti-Peti Permohonan adalah seperti berikut:
| | Jabatan Buruh, Kementerian Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri ingin memaklumkan kepada para majikan bahawa Jabatan Buruh akan membuat pengemaskinian mengenai maklumat Perumahan Pekerja Asing selaras dengan Perintah Pekerjaan 2009.
Sila tekan pautan disediakan bagi mengisi Borang Maklumat Perumahan Pekerja Asing.
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| | Perlaksanaan denda kompaun di bawah Perintah Pekerjaan, 2009 mula dikuatkuasakan pada Hari Khamis, 15hb Oktober 2020.
Bagi mendapatkan maklumat lanjut mengenai Jenis-Jenis Kesalahan dan Kadar Denda Kompaun bagi setiap kesalahan, sila tekan Jenis-Jenis Kesalahan dan Kadar Denda Kompaun.
| | Annual Census of Employers / employees will be effective 31st October 2020. Census information can be submitted online at BUSINESS REPORTING SYSTEM [BRS] portal via the website link www.business.gov.bn/SitePages/OBR.aspx , using the employer's/owner's E-Darussalam username.
Closing date of Census Submission is 30th November 2020.
For further information can refer this link.
| | Berikutan dengan perkembangan situasi COVID-19 di Negara Brunei Darussalam, Jabatan Buruh ingin memaklumkan kepada orang ramai bahawa semua perkhidmatan kaunter di Jabatan ini adalah dibuka semula bermula pada Hari Isnin, 28 Zulkaedah 1441 bersamaan 20 Julai 2020.
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| | The Department of Labour is opening for application of new Employment Agency License (Category C) during the Ministry of Home Affairs and Departments Open Day and Dialogue Session held at Atrium, The Mall Gadong on the 18th and 19th January 2020. Any interested parties must personally send in their application form with the required documents to: DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR BOOTH, GROUND FLOOR, ATRIUM,THE MALL GADONG, BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
| | Annual Census of Employers / employees will be effective 31st October 2019. Census information can be submitted online at BUSINESS REPORTING SYSTEM [BRS] portal via the website link www.business.gov.bn/SitePages/OBR.aspx , using the employer's/owner's E-Darussalam username. Closing date of Census Submission is 30th November 2019.
For further information can refer this link
| | The Department of Labour is currently receiving applications for employment agency license for new applicants (Category A only) and this offer will be closed by 31st January 2019 ,3:30 pm.
For further information can refer this link.
| | Annual Census of Employers / employees will be effective 31st October 2018. Census information can be submitted online at BUSINESS REPORTING SYSTEM [BRS] portal via the website link www.business.gov.bn/SitePages/OBR.aspx , using the employer's/owner's E-Darussalam username EFFECTIVE 1st November 2018. E-Darussalam username is obtainable through online registration via website link https://nam.gov.bn/edregister/user/RegisterUser/ Closing date of Census Submission is 30th November 2018.
For further information can refer this link
| | Department of Labour, Ministry of Home Affairs is currently conducting a public survey to obtain qualitative data as well as feedback from public on Labour Standards Regarding The Employment of Domestic Workers / Maids in Brunei Darussalam. The public is invited to answer the survey via online portal :
https://goo.gl/forms/Pc3XpEKFBZtOWfxI2 (Malay) https://goo.gl/forms/Aa05uWiTSMb3Ql2B2 (English)
The closing date for this survey will be on Sunday, 30th September 2018. All comments will be kept confidential and for internal use only.
| | Bagi menambahbaik proses dan perkhidmatan yang diberikan, Jabatan Buruh dengan hormat sukacita memaklumkan kepada orang ramai khususnya majikan-majikan,pemilik-pemilik dan pengurus-pengurus syarikat swasta,serta agensi-agensi pekerjaan yang berdaftar di Jabatan Buruh bahawa bermula pada hari Sabtu 15hb September 2018M/4 Muharram 1440H, Jabatan Buruh akan hanya menerima permohonan Lesen Pekerja Asing (LPA) menggunakan Borang Baru yang telah diperkenalkan pada 1hb Ogos 2018. Sebarang Permohonan LPA menggunakan Borang Lama LD1,LD2,LD3,LD4 dan LD5 seperti sebelum ini tidak akan diterima. Borang Baru LPA dan Borang Pengesahan Alamat bolehlah di perolehi di mana-mana cawangan pejabat buruh atau dimuatturun dari laman sesawang Jabatan Buruh iaitu www.labour.gov.bn Sila klik bagi Borang berkenaan | 
| | Dengan hormat sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa bermula 1 Ogos 2018 bersamaan dengan 19 Zulkaedah 1439, Jabatan Buruh akan membuat beberapa perubahan mengenai dengan jenis dan kategori permohonan iaitu menjadikan permohonan LPA hanya 2 kategori permohonan iaitu LPA Baru dan LPA Membaharui. Selain daripada perubahan yang disebutkan di atas perubahan juga turut melibatkan penggunaan Borang LPA dan Borang Pengesahan Alamat. | 
| | Dalam usaha untuk meningkatkan perkhidmatan kepada orang ramai di dalam pengambilan pekerja domestik, Jabatan Buruh telah membukakan tawaran bagi orang awam untuk mendapatkan Lesen Agensi Pekerjaan bagi Kategori A sahaja, tawaran tersebut dibukakan bermula 30hb November 2017 sehingga 30hb Disember 2017. Empat (4) syarikat telah berjaya memenuhi syarat-syarat asas yang dikemukakan oleh Jabatan Buruh. Sila klik untuk makluman lanjut mengenainya. |  |
| | Dalam usaha Jabatan Buruh mempertingkatkan lagi mutu perkhidmatan kepada orang ramai dan seterusnya supaya proses di Jabatan ini mendokong dasar Ease of Doing Business, Jabatan Buruh telah melaksanakan beberapa perkara berikut: a) Peniadaan Pengesahan Kontrak Perkhidmatan b) Meniadakan Keperluan Salinan Dokumen Tabung Amanah Pekerja (TAP) Bagi Proses Lesen Pekerja Asing (LPA) Kedua-dua perkara tersebut mula berkuatkuasa mulai hari Isnin, 05 Jamadilawal, 1439 / 22hb Januari 2018. Sila klik, bagi mendapatkan makluman lanjut mengenainya. | |
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Please be kindly informed, due to elements of improper use of the Census 2017 receipt, all receipts issued earlier are now void and invalid.
Please collect the verified receipt from: Statistic Counter, Lobby Floor, Department of Labour, Jalan Dewan Majlis, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam
During service counter hours Monday - Thursday & Saturday [8.00 am – 11.30 am; 1.45 pm – 3.30 pm]
Please bring along your company's official stamp and letter of authorization [if a representative is to collect on behalf].
The Department will like to apologise for any inconvenience cause and thank you for giving your kind cooperation towards the success of this year Census. | |
| | The Department of Labour is currently receiving applications for employment agency license for new applicants (category A only) and this offer will be closed by 30th December 2017, 3:30 pm. The form can be acquired from Employment agency license form 2017 For further information can refer from this link |  |
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| | Please be informed that the Labour Control System (LCS) will no longer be in service. This is due to some technical factors which are beyond the Department's control. With regards to this, the Department of Labour would like to inform: - Company owners submitting the employee Census for 2017 can refer this link for further information.
- Applications for Domestic Helper License will be done manually by completing the relevant forms, which can be obtained either from this link or from the information counter and submitting them to the Domestic Helper counter.
The Department apologizes for any inconveniences caused. Thank you. |  |
| | Please be informed that as of 1st June 2017:
- Counter services of Finance Unit that is currently based at 1st Floor will be closed and transferred to Counter 1 and 2 at Ground Floor .
- Application of exemption from paying security deposit (for Domestic Helpers) will no longer be processed by Finance Unit, but instead will be processed by Private Household Service unit. |  |
| | The Department of Labour is currently conducting two surveys. The public is invited to answer both surveys which are: - Customer Satisfaction Surveys
- Survey on Basic Salaries
The closing date for both surveys will be on Wednesday 31st May 2017. All comments will be kept confidential and for internal use only.
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| | The Department of Labour, Ministry of Home Affairs, is currently conducting a public survey on basic salaries in the private sector. The main objective of this general survey is to obtain qualitative data as well as feedback on current entry-level private sector wages in Brunei Darussalam.
Accordingly, this survey is open to all and the Department of Labour encourages valuable inputs via the online portal:
The closing date for this survey will be on Wednesday 31st May 2017. All comments will be kept confidential and for internal use only. |  |